Adventure Blog

New Adventures with Strangers
New Adventures with Stranger You call up our friends for a day on the trail. You and your crew have familiar places you enjoy going, the crew consists of people you're comfortable with, and you kno...

Why Winter Camping Is Your New Favorite Thing
Why Winter Camping Is Your New Favorite Thing
Adjusting your glasses, you look across a vast snowscape, blinding even in the low angle of the season’s sun. The field glitters in perfection, except...

Break the Routine
Break the Routine
…travel formed me as much as my formal education. – David Rockefeller You’re stuck in a routine: hanging out with the same friends, rotating through the same trails, doing the sa...

What You Need to Know: Slot Canyons
What You Need to Know: Slot Canyons
In my adopted home of Utah we have so many canyons there’s even a place called “Canyonlands.” Typically we imagine the kind we can drive through, maybe if you’r...

3 Must-have Items to Keep in Your Safety Kit
Alpine. Forests. Or even that ever-popular "deserted island": Whatever the territory, you just passed through the unimaginable — a multi-day backcountry emergency — unscathed. You can chalk it up t...

9 All-weather Tips for Starting Campfires
You dream of those perfect campfires you see on Instagram. You know the kind: Campmates gathered ‘round a bright blaze, cradling hipster tin mugs filled with cider and cocoa, heads thrown back in l...

How to Road Trip on a Budget - Part I
How to Road Trip on a Budget - Part I
The road has always been there. Your whole life, there’s been a path connecting from where you are to some point — near or distant — that holds adventure. All...

How to Keep Up Outdoors
How to Keep Up Outdoors “You all go ahead.” Silently, you add: “Because I probably can’t keep up.” You say these words to a friendly mix of personal friends and a few friends of friends. Your reas...

Where does #HikerChat Take You?
It’s been a while since I last explored using the #HikerChat hashtag, so it seemed like high time to see what the community has been up to. What a trip you all took me on. The photos took me from h...