Adventure Blog

How to start the New Year off Right
By: Mikayla Koeltzow
We've just welcomed in the New Year this past week. And even more so than past years, we enter this one with a lot of hope for the possibilities. Friends or family we e...

adventures with pets
Tips for Hiking with a Dog
By: Mikayla Koeltzow
Do you remember a time in your life when everything around you was all new and exciting? Most of us probably look back fondly on those times, and if you're lucky, life still l...

Backpacking / Hiking
Identifying Wild Plants
By: Desiree Hester
As temperatures rise, the plant world is springing to life once again. If you find yourself puzzled by the seemingly endless varieties of plant life around you, it may be time t...

Preparing for a Spring Adventure
By: David Ball
As spring is fast approaching, we’re in the midst of Multi-Sport March. Is it ski season? Maybe it’s actually warm enough we start biking again? Depending on the day any of those ar...

adventure photography
Outdoor Photography Tips
By: Mecca R. Dennehy
Some of our best stories are from moments deep in the woods, high up on a mountain, or with our best friends under a cotton candy sky. Moments like these don’t come very often...

Trail Running
By: David Ball
The mornings are officially feeling crisp, the sun is going down earlier than we want but we still need to get outside…how do we manage that with less time? The answer: Trail Runn...

Breakfast Ideas for your next Camping Trip
By: Douglas Scott
When I go camping, my consistent diet is thrown out the window, with new recipes and tasty bites tingling my taste buds. Despite a zeal for new foods, I also enjoy simplicity, wh...

5 Tips for First Time Backpackers
By: Mikayla Koeltzow
Day and night, exploring the outdoors, breathing in the fresh air. The only sounds are your footsteps, the flowing river, and the wind rustling through the trees. Unplugged fr...

Backpacking / Hiking
Building a Fire in the Snow
By: Desiree Hester
There is nothing quite as comforting after a day spent adventuring in the snow than settling down around the glow of a warm fire. Learning how to build a fire-even in snow...